Aladdin Brand BRASS MaxBrite Burner / Alladin kerosene oil lamp Improved Model

Aladdin Brand BRASS MaxBrite Burner / Alladin kerosene oil lamp Improved Model
Aladdin Brand BRASS MaxBrite Burner / Alladin kerosene oil lamp Improved Model

This is for a new Aladdin brand BRASS (We also stock the nickel) burner with new wick plus Aladdin wick cleaner tool. Not a second or a blem but 1st quality!

Coarse threaded base like A, B, C, 21, 21c, and 23. This is the improved Maxbrite burner where the threads on the base were improved over the earlier Maxbrites. View the STORE for other neat lamp restoration items! 2 inch diameter coarse threaded base.

I have restored lamps for years and have other neat parts and adapters on my other auctions. The underburner shade holders and gallery fit shade holders work with these. Some gallery tripods are tight and need some pressing on.

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